Hypocillin And The Human Guinea Pig.
Wherever possible we like to test our new products on ourselves before we give it to our own dogs and then finally we let our customer’s dogs check them out for us. Hypocillin was no exception.
On three separate occasions this last year we have had to protect our dogs from a stranger’s; we have chosen to put ourselves in harm’s way rather than let an incoming dog make contact with any of ours. As a result we have been bitten!
In each case liberal applications of Hypocillin cleaned & protected the wounds from infection and the healing was noticeably quicker.
Hypocilin is a fairly recent addition to our range & so far I’ve not had occasion
to use it on any of our dogs. Customers buy Hypocillin to use on dogs with small wounds, eye and ear or skin problems like hot spots.
We now keep Hypocillin at home & in the car – it’s great for first aid!
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